Our Assyrian Food Festival would not be possible without the support of our sponsors. Your sponsorship is tax deductible.
We have the following sponsorship programs:
Bronze: $500
Silver: $1000
Gold: $3000
Platinum: $5000
For any questions or concerns regarding becoming a sponsor, send an email to: sponsor@assyrianfestival.org.
The Assyrian Food Festival volunteers are the backbone of the festival. We strive because of the commitment and passion they have.
If you would like to become a volunteer at the Assyrian Food Festival, contact us at assyrianfestivalsj@gmail.com
Volunteer Opportunities are needed in the following areas:
Raffle Sales
Social Media Marketing
Obtaining Dedications
Obtaining Business Advertisements
Creating and Designing Shlama Magazine
Festival Front Gate Greeters
Food Preparations | Food Sales